Function for plotting wind speed profile. Can be launched as standalone function or coupled with pre-drawn Skew-T diagram.
sounding_wind(pressure, ws, ptop = 100, yaxs = TRUE, ...)
pressure [hPa]
wind speed [knots]
pressure top level [hPa] to be used for plotting wind speed. Valid options should be < 200 hPa (100 by default)
logic. Whether to add labels to heights on Y lab
extra graphic arguments
graphical representation of vertical wind speed profile
# load examplary dataset:
#> The following objects are masked from sounding_vienna (pos = 3):
#> altitude, dpt, pressure, temp, wd, ws
#> The following objects are masked from sounding_vienna (pos = 4):
#> altitude, dpt, pressure, temp, wd, ws
#> The following objects are masked from sounding_vienna (pos = 5):
#> altitude, dpt, pressure, temp, wd, ws
#> The following objects are masked from sounding_vienna (pos = 6):
#> altitude, dpt, pressure, temp, wd, ws
#> The following objects are masked from sounding_vienna (pos = 7):
#> altitude, dpt, pressure, temp, wd, ws
#> The following object is masked from package:datasets:
#> pressure
sounding_wind(pressure = pressure, ws = ws, yaxs = TRUE)