Downloading daily (meteorological) data from the Synop stations available in the https://www.ogimet.com/ repository. The data are processed only if temperature or precipitation fields are present.
start and finish of date (e.g., date = c("2018-05-01","2018-07-01") ). By default last 30 days.
add geographical coordinates of the station (logical value TRUE or FALSE)
WMO ID of meteorological station(s). Character or numeric vector
time for which the daily raport is generated. Set default as hour = 6 (i.e. 6 UTC)
logical - whether to proceed or stop on failure. By default set to TRUE (i.e. don't stop on error). For debugging purposes change to FALSE
data.frame with historical meteorological data for the daily summaries
# \donttest{
# downloading daily summaries for last 30 days. station: New York - La Guardia
new_york = ogimet_daily(station = 72503, coords = TRUE)
#> Daily raports will be generated for 6 UTC each day. Use the >>hour<< argument to change it
#> 72503
#> /tmp/Rtmp95w7yv/file17d0614ea0ca
#> /tmp/Rtmp95w7yv/file17d037cf77fd
# }